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HA OpenSearch Node Config


Chef Automate 4.10.1 released on 6th September 2023 includes improvements to the deployment and installation experience of Automate HA. Please read the blog to learn more about key improvements. Refer to the pre-requisites page (On-Premises, AWS) and plan your usage with your customer success manager or account manager.


The OpenSearch node in Automate HA provides various configuration options that is patched to customize its behavior and meet specific requirements. This guide documents all the configurations that you can patch.

The detailed document about how these individual properties affect the system is at Official OpenSearch docs

Patch the below configuration to OpenSearch nodes. Please add the values you want to patch to a config.toml file and run the chef-automate config patch config.toml --os from the bastion node.

Certainly! Here’s an explanation of each section in the OpenSearch TOML configuration file:


destructive_requires_name = "true"
  • This section configures action settings. Setting destructive_requires_name to true means that destructive actions, such as deleting indices or templates, require an explicit name to prevent accidental deletions.


memory_lock = false

Disables swapping (along with memlock). Swapping can dramatically decrease performance and stability, so you should ensure it is disabled on production clusters.


name = "opensearch"
max_shards_per_node= "2000"
  • This section configures cluster settings.
  • It sets the name of the OpenSearch cluster to “opensearch”.
  • We can use these settings to set the max_shards_per_node value for OpenSearch. The default value is 2000.


minimum_master_nodes = 2
ping_unicast_hosts = ["Os Node IP 1", "Os Node IP 2"]
  • This section configures discovery settings. It sets the minimum number of master-eligible nodes required to form a cluster, specifies the unicast hosts for node discovery, and sets the ping timeout.
  • Set ping_unicast_hosts to pass an initial list of hosts to perform discovery when a new node start. The default list of hosts is [“”, “[::1]”]
  • Set minimum_master_nodes to prevent the “split brain” by configuring the majority of nodes (total number of nodes / 2 + 1):


recover_after_nodes = ""

Set recover_after_nodes to block initial recovery after a full cluster restart until N nodes start.


level = "info"

This section configures logger settings. Allowed levels are trace, debug, info, warn, error, and fatal.


max_local_storage_nodes = 1
name = ""
  • Use max_local_storage_nodes to disable starting multiple nodes on a single system:
  • Use a descriptive name for the node by setting the name field

OpenSearch Auth

admin_password = "admin"
admin_username = "admin"
hashed_password = "<your-hashed-password>"

This section configures OpenSearch authentication settings. It sets the admin username and password and provides a hashed version of the password.


data = ""
logs = "logs"
repo = ""
  • Use data to set the path to the directory where to store the data (separate multiple locations by comma)
  • Use logs to set the path to your log files
  • Use repo to register the snapshot repository using OpenSearch. It is necessary to mount the same shared filesystem to the exact location on all master and data nodes. Register the location in the path.repo setting on all master and data nodes.

Plugin Security

allow_default_init_securityindex = true
allow_unsafe_democertificates = true
check_snapshot_restore_write_privileges = true
enable_snapshot_restore_privilege = true
nodes_dn = "- <Common Name of Public Key>"

This section configures security plugin settings. It allows the default initialization of the security index, and unsafe demo certificates, checks snapshot and restore write privileges, enables snapshot and restore privileges, and specifies the nodes’ distinguished names (DNs).

Plugin Security Audit

type = "internal_opensearch"

This section configures security audit settings. It specifies the type of audit logging as “internal_opensearch”.

Plugin Security Authcz

admin_dn = "- <Common Name of Admin Public Key>"

This section specifies the distinguished name (DN) of the admin user.

Plugin Security Restapi

roles_enabled = "[\"all_access\", \"security_rest_api_access\"]"

This section configures security REST API settings. It enables certain roles, such as “all_access” and “security_rest_api_access”.

Plugin Security SSL HTTP

enabled = true
pemcert_filepath = "certificates/node1.pem"
pemkey_filepath = "certificates/node1-key.pem"
pemtrustedcas_filepath = "certificates/root-ca.pem"

This section configures SSL/TLS settings for HTTP. It enables SSL/TLS, specifying the certificate’s file paths, private key, and trusted CA certificates.

Plugin Security SSL Transport

enforce_hostname_verification = false
pemcert_filepath = "certificates/node1.pem"
pemkey_filepath = "certificates/node1-key.pem"
pemtrustedcas_filepath = "certificates/root-ca.pem"
resolve_hostname = false

This section configures SSL/TLS settings for transport layer communication. It disables hostname verification, specifies the file paths for the certificate, private key, and trusted CA certificates, and disables hostname resolution.

Plugin Security System Indices

cloud_aws_signer = ""
enabled = true
indices = "[\".opendistro-alerting-config\", \".opendistro-alerting-alert*\", \".opendistro-anomaly-results*\", \".opendistro-anomaly-detector*\", \".
opendistro-anomaly-checkpoints\", \".opendistro-anomaly-detection-state\", \".opendistro-reports-*\", \".opendistro-notifications-*\", \".opendistro-notebooks\", \".opensearch-observability\", \".opendistro-asynchronous-search-response*\", \".replication-metadata-store\"]"

This section configures system indices for the security plugin. It specifies the system indices that are enabled for various functionalities.


es_java_opts = ""
es_startup_sleep_time = ""
g1ReservePercent = "25"
initiatingHeapOccupancyPercent = "15"
maxHeapsize = "2g"
max_locked_memory = "unlimited"
max_open_files = ""
minHeapsize = "2g"

This section configures runtime settings. It specifies various Java runtime options and heap sizes.

S3 Client Default

endpoint = ""
max_retries = "3"
protocol = "https"
read_timeout = "60s"
use_throttle_retries = true

This section configures the default S3 client settings. It specifies the S3 endpoint, the maximum number of retries, the protocol (HTTPS), the read timeout, and whether to use throttle retries.


admin_cert = "----Enter Admin Public Key----"
admin_key = "----Enter Admin Private Key----"
rootCA = "----Enter Root CA----"
ssl_cert = "----Enter Public Key----"
ssl_key = "Enter Private Key----"

This section configures TLS settings. It specifies the file paths for the admin certificate, admin private key, root CA certificate, SSL certificate, and SSL private key.

Full config for OpenSearch node

destructive_requires_name = "true"
memory_lock = false
name = "opensearch"
awareness_attributes = ""
node_concurrent_recoveries = "2"
node_initial_primaries_recoveries = "4"
same_shard_host = "false"
external_os = false
minimum_master_nodes = 2
# Example: ping_unicast_hosts = ["", "", ""]
ping_unicast_hosts = ["Os Node IP 1", "Os Node IP 2"]
zen_fd_ping_timeout = "30s"
expected_data_nodes = "0"
expected_master_nodes = "0"
expected_nodes = "0"
recover_after_nodes = ""
recover_after_time = ""
fielddata_limit = "60%"
fielddata_overhead = "1.03"
request_limit = "40%"
request_overhead = "1"
total_limit = "95%"
cache_size = ""
max_bytes_per_sec = "20mb"
level = "info"
host = ""
port = 9200
data = true
master = true
max_local_storage_nodes = 1
name = ""
rack_id = ""
zone = ""
admin_password = "admin"
admin_username = "admin"
hashed_password = "$2a$12$yObdBmd8JFy2ar7nRjv46OYs3P3q5uB9llsrLRppWyAO/YOQ2JW3m"
data = ""
logs = "logs"
repo = ""
allow_default_init_securityindex = true
allow_unsafe_democertificates = true
check_snapshot_restore_write_privileges = true
enable_snapshot_restore_privilege = true
# Example: nodes_dn = "- CN=chefnode,O=Chef Software Inc,L=Seattle,ST=Washington,C=US"
nodes_dn = "- <Common Name of Public Key>"
type = "internal_opensearch"
# Example: admin_dn = "- CN=chefadmin,O=Chef Software Inc,L=Seattle,ST=Washington,C=US"
admin_dn = "- <Common Name of Admin Public Key>"
roles_enabled = "[\"all_access\", \"security_rest_api_access\"]"
enabled = true
pemcert_filepath = "certificates/node1.pem"
pemkey_filepath = "certificates/node1-key.pem"
pemtrustedcas_filepath = "certificates/root-ca.pem"
enforce_hostname_verification = false
pemcert_filepath = "certificates/node1.pem"
pemkey_filepath = "certificates/node1-key.pem"
pemtrustedcas_filepath = "certificates/root-ca.pem"
resolve_hostname = false
cloud_aws_signer = ""
enabled = true
indices = "[\".opendistro-alerting-config\", \".opendistro-alerting-alert*\", \".opendistro-anomaly-results*\", \".opendistro-anomaly-detector*\", \".opendistro-anomaly-checkpoints\", \".opendistro-anomaly-detection-state\", \".opendistro-reports-*\", \".opendistro-notifications-*\", \".opendistro-notebooks\", \".opensearch-observability\", \".opendistro-asynchronous-search-response*\", \".replication-metadata-store\"]"
es_java_opts = ""
es_startup_sleep_time = ""
g1ReservePercent = "25"
initiatingHeapOccupancyPercent = "15"
maxHeapsize = "2g"
max_locked_memory = "unlimited"
max_open_files = ""
minHeapsize = "2g"
endpoint = ""
max_retries = "3"
protocol = "https"
read_timeout = "60s"
use_throttle_retries = true
admin_cert = "----Enter Admin Public Key----"
admin_key = "----Enter Admin Private Key----"
rootCA = "----Enter Root CA----"
ssl_cert = "----Enter Public Key----"
ssl_key = "Enter Private Key----"
port = 9300


To increase max heap size:

  • Create a heap.toml file with the below contents on bastion:
maxHeapsize = "2g"
  • Run the patch command chef-automate config patch heap.toml --os to apply the patch.

Centralized Logs

Take a tour of the main page to know about Centralized logs.

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