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Chef Automate CLI

chef-automate CLI Commands


A helpful utility to deploy and manage Chef Automate.

Docs: Patents:

Supported on

Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


chef-automate COMMAND [flags]


Enable debug output
Default value: false
help for chef-automate
Default value: false
Disable version check
Default value: false
Write command result as JSON to PATH

chef-automate airgap

Supported on

Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


chef-automate airgap COMMAND [flags]


Enable debug output
Default value: false
help for airgap
Default value: false
Disable version check
Default value: false
Write command result as JSON to PATH

Related Commands

chef-automate airgap bundle

Supported on

Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


chef-automate airgap bundle COMMAND [flags]


Enable debug output
Default value: false
help for bundle
Default value: false
Disable version check
Default value: false
Write command result as JSON to PATH

Related Commands

chef-automate airgap bundle create

Supported on

Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


chef-automate airgap bundle create [/path/to/bundle.aib] [flags]


Release channel to pull packages from
Enable debug output
Default value: false
help for create
Default value: false
Path to a release manifest.json
Disable version check
Default value: false
Write command result as JSON to PATH
Number of times to retry failed hab package downloads
Default value: 2
Number of seconds to wait between retries (exponential backoff is used if not provided)
Default value: -1
Chef Automate version to create an airgap bundle for
Path to workspace storage location where temporary data will be stored

Related Commands

chef-automate airgap bundle info

Supported on

Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


chef-automate airgap bundle info /path/to/bundle.aib [flags]


Enable debug output
Default value: false
help for info
Default value: false
Disable version check
Default value: false
Write command result as JSON to PATH
Output full AIB metadata
Default value: false

Related Commands

chef-automate applications

Supported on

Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


chef-automate applications COMMAND [flags]


Enable debug output
Default value: false
help for applications
Default value: false
Disable version check
Default value: false
Write command result as JSON to PATH

Related Commands

chef-automate applications remove-svcs

Remove services from the applications database.

You must fully decommission services by retiring physical hardware, terminating the VM or container, or by using ‘hab svc unload’, before using the ‘remove-svcs’ command. Services that are incompletely decommissioned will send a health-check at the appointed time and Automate will re-add them to the services database.

Supported on

Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


chef-automate applications remove-svcs [flags]


Delete all services in the database. This flag must be given if no other filter is given.
Default value: false
Select only services where the application name matches the given pattern
Select only services where the buildstamp matches the given pattern
Select only services where the subscribed channel matches the given pattern
Enable debug output
Default value: false
Select only services that are disconnected
Default value: false
Select only services where the application environment matches the given pattern
Select only services where the group name (suffix) matches the given pattern
help for remove-svcs
Default value: false
Disable version check
Default value: false
Select only services where the origin matches the given pattern
Write command result as JSON to PATH
Select only services where the name matches the given pattern
Select only services where the site matches the given pattern
Select only services where the package version matches the given pattern
Delete the services without a confirmation prompt
Default value: false

Related Commands

chef-automate applications show-svcs

Display a list of the habitat services stored in the applications database.

Supported on

Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


chef-automate applications show-svcs [flags]


Select only services where the application name matches the given pattern
Select only services where the buildstamp matches the given pattern
Select only services where the subscribed channel matches the given pattern
Enable debug output
Default value: false
Select only services that are disconnected
Default value: false
Select only services where the application environment matches the given pattern
Select only services where the group name (suffix) matches the given pattern
help for show-svcs
Default value: false
Disable version check
Default value: false
Select only services where the origin matches the given pattern
Write command result as JSON to PATH
Select only services where the name matches the given pattern
Select only services where the site matches the given pattern
Select only services where the package version matches the given pattern

Related Commands

chef-automate backup

Supported on

Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


chef-automate backup COMMAND [flags]


Enable debug output
Default value: false
The path to the GCP service account json file
help for backup
Default value: false
Disable version check
Default value: false
Don't follow operation progress
Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
Default value: false
API request timeout for deployment-service in seconds
Default value: 20
Write command result as JSON to PATH
The S3 access key ID
The S3 region endpoint URL
The S3 secret access key
The S3 session token when assuming an IAM role

Related Commands

chef-automate backup cancel

Cancel the currently running backup create, delete, or restore operation

Supported on

Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


chef-automate backup cancel [flags]


Enable debug output
Default value: false
The path to the GCP service account json file
help for cancel
Default value: false
Disable version check
Default value: false
Don't follow operation progress
Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
Default value: false
API request timeout for deployment-service in seconds
Default value: 20
Write command result as JSON to PATH
The S3 access key ID
The S3 region endpoint URL
The S3 secret access key
The S3 session token when assuming an IAM role
How long to wait for a operation to complete before raising an error
Default value: 60

Related Commands

chef-automate backup create

Create a backup of Chef Automate

Supported on

Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


chef-automate backup create [flags]


Enable debug output
Default value: false
The path to the GCP service account json file
help for create
Default value: false
Disable version check
Default value: false
Don't follow operation progress
Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
Default value: false
API request timeout for deployment-service in seconds
Default value: 20
Write command result as JSON to PATH
The S3 access key ID
The S3 region endpoint URL
The S3 secret access key
The S3 session token when assuming an IAM role
How long to wait for a operation to complete before raising an error
Default value: 43200

Related Commands

chef-automate backup delete

Delete one or many backups of Chef Automate that match the space separated strings of backup IDs

Supported on

Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


chef-automate backup delete ID [ID2 IDN...] [flags]


Enable debug output
Default value: false
The path to the GCP service account json file
help for delete
Default value: false
Disable version check
Default value: false
Don't follow operation progress
Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
Default value: false
API request timeout for deployment-service in seconds
Default value: 20
Write command result as JSON to PATH
The S3 access key ID
The S3 region endpoint URL
The S3 secret access key
The S3 session token when assuming an IAM role
How long to wait for a operation to complete before raising an error
Default value: 43200
Agree to all prompts
Default value: false

Related Commands

chef-automate backup fix-repo-permissions

Ensure the hab user has the required permissions on the given path

Supported on

Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


chef-automate backup fix-repo-permissions PATH [flags]


Enable debug output
Default value: false
The path to the GCP service account json file
help for fix-repo-permissions
Default value: false
Disable version check
Default value: false
Don't follow operation progress
Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
Default value: false
API request timeout for deployment-service in seconds
Default value: 20
Write command result as JSON to PATH
The S3 access key ID
The S3 region endpoint URL
The S3 secret access key
The S3 session token when assuming an IAM role

Related Commands

chef-automate backup integrity

Supported on

Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


chef-automate backup integrity COMMAND [flags]


Enable debug output
Default value: false
The path to the GCP service account json file
help for integrity
Default value: false
Disable version check
Default value: false
Don't follow operation progress
Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
Default value: false
API request timeout for deployment-service in seconds
Default value: 20
Write command result as JSON to PATH
The S3 access key ID
The S3 region endpoint URL
The S3 secret access key
The S3 session token when assuming an IAM role
How long to wait for a operation to complete before raising an error
Default value: 60

Related Commands

chef-automate backup integrity show

Show the shared object integrity metadata

Supported on

Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


chef-automate backup integrity show [flags]


Enable debug output
Default value: false
The path to the GCP service account json file
help for show
Default value: false
Disable version check
Default value: false
Don't follow operation progress
Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
Default value: false
API request timeout for deployment-service in seconds
Default value: 20
Write command result as JSON to PATH
The S3 access key ID
The S3 region endpoint URL
The S3 secret access key
The S3 session token when assuming an IAM role
How long to wait for a operation to complete before raising an error
Default value: 60

Related Commands

chef-automate backup integrity validate

Validate the shared object integrity. If one or more snapshot IDs is not given all snapshots will be validated

Supported on

Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


chef-automate backup integrity validate [ID IDN] [flags]


Enable debug output
Default value: false
The path to the GCP service account json file
help for validate
Default value: false
Disable version check
Default value: false
Don't follow operation progress
Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
Default value: false
API request timeout for deployment-service in seconds
Default value: 20
Write command result as JSON to PATH
The S3 access key ID
The S3 region endpoint URL
The S3 secret access key
The S3 session token when assuming an IAM role
How long to wait for a operation to complete before raising an error
Default value: 60

Related Commands

chef-automate backup list

List all Chef Automate backups

Supported on

Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


chef-automate backup list [flags]


Enable debug output
Default value: false
The path to the GCP service account json file
help for list
Default value: false
Disable version check
Default value: false
Don't follow operation progress
Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
Default value: false
API request timeout for deployment-service in seconds
Default value: 20
Write command result as JSON to PATH
The S3 access key ID
The S3 region endpoint URL
The S3 secret access key
The S3 session token when assuming an IAM role
How long to wait for a operation to complete before raising an error
Default value: 60

Related Commands

chef-automate backup restore

Restore a Chef Automate backup. If no ID or path is given the latest found backup will be restored.

Supported on

Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


chef-automate backup restore [ID_OR_PATH] [flags]


The artifact to use for an air-gapped installation
Directory used for backups
Default value: /var/opt/chef-automate/backups
Enable debug output
Default value: false
The path to the GCP service account json file
help for restore
Default value: false
Disable version check
Default value: false
Don't follow operation progress
Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
Default value: false
Path to patch config if required
API request timeout for deployment-service in seconds
Default value: 20
Write command result as JSON to PATH
The S3 access key ID
The S3 region endpoint URL
The S3 secret access key
The S3 session token when assuming an IAM role
The SHA256 checksum of the backup
Skip preflight checks when restoring a backup
Default value: false
Upgrade to the latest package versions when restoring backups
Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
Default value: false
How long to wait for a operation to complete before raising an error
Default value: 43200
Agree to all prompts
Default value: false

Related Commands

chef-automate backup show

Show the details of a Chef Automate backup

Supported on

Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


chef-automate backup show ID [flags]


Enable debug output
Default value: false
The path to the GCP service account json file
help for show
Default value: false
Disable version check
Default value: false
Don't follow operation progress
Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
Default value: false
API request timeout for deployment-service in seconds
Default value: 20
Write command result as JSON to PATH
The S3 access key ID
The S3 region endpoint URL
The S3 secret access key
The S3 session token when assuming an IAM role
How long to wait for a operation to complete before raising an error
Default value: 60

Related Commands

chef-automate backup status

Show the Chef Automate backup runner status

Supported on

Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


chef-automate backup status [flags]


Enable debug output
Default value: false
The path to the GCP service account json file
help for status
Default value: false
Disable version check
Default value: false
Don't follow operation progress
Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
Default value: false
API request timeout for deployment-service in seconds
Default value: 20
Write command result as JSON to PATH
The S3 access key ID
The S3 region endpoint URL
The S3 secret access key
The S3 session token when assuming an IAM role
How long to wait for a operation to complete before raising an error
Default value: 60

Related Commands

chef-automate backup stream-status

Stream the Chef Automate backup runner status

Supported on

Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is only supported on Chef Automate nodes.


chef-automate backup stream-status [flags]


Enable debug output
Default value: false
The path to the GCP service account json file
help for stream-status
Default value: false
Disable version check
Default value: false
Don't follow operation progress
Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
Default value: false
API request timeout for deployment-service in seconds
Default value: 20
Write command result as JSON to PATH
The S3 access key ID
The S3 region endpoint URL
The S3 secret access key
The S3 session token when assuming an IAM role

Related Commands

chef-automate cert

Chef Automate certificate management, this command should always be executed from AutomateHA Bastion Node.

Supported on

Command available on Chef Automate high availability deployments.

In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


chef-automate cert COMMAND [flags]


Enable debug output
Default value: false
help for cert
Default value: false
Disable version check
Default value: false
Write command result as JSON to PATH

Related Commands

chef-automate cert-rotate

Chef Automate CLI command to rotate certificates, this command should always be executed from AutomateHA Bastion Node

Supported on

Command available on Chef Automate high availability deployments.

In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


chef-automate cert-rotate [flags]


Automate Certificate Rotation
Default value: false
Admin certificate
Admin Private certificate
Automate Certificate Rotation
Default value: false
Chef Infra Server Certificate Rotation
Default value: false
Chef Infra Server Certificate Rotation
Default value: false
Enable debug output
Default value: false
help for cert-rotate
Default value: false
Disable version check
Default value: false
Node Ip address
OS Certificate Rotation
Default value: false
OS Certificate Rotation
Default value: false
Postgres Certificate Rotation
Default value: false
Postgres Certificate Rotation
Default value: false
Private certificate
Public certificate
Write command result as JSON to PATH
RootCA certificate
This flag sets the operation timeout duration (in seconds) for each individual node during the certificate rotation process
Default value: 600

Related Commands

    chef-automate cert show

    Chef Automate CLI command to show all certificates on HA cluster, this command should always be executed from AutomateHA Bastion Node

    Supported on

    Command available on Chef Automate high availability deployments.

    In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


    chef-automate cert show [flags]


    Show Automate Certificates
    Default value: false
    Show Automate Certificates
    Default value: false
    Show Chef Server Certificates
    Default value: false
    Show Chef Server Certificates
    Default value: false
    Enable debug output
    Default value: false
    help for show
    Default value: false
    Disable version check
    Default value: false
    Service cluster's node IP address to show certificates, if not provided then all nodes certificates will be shown
    Show Opensearch Certificates
    Default value: false
    Show Opensearch Certificates
    Default value: false
    Show Postgres Certificates
    Default value: false
    Show Postgres Certificates
    Default value: false
    Write command result as JSON to PATH

    Related Commands

    chef-automate config

    Supported on

    Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

    In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


    chef-automate config COMMAND [flags]


    Do not prompt for confirmation; accept defaults and continue
    Default value: false
    Enable debug output
    Default value: false
    help for config
    Default value: false
    Disable version check
    Default value: false
    Write command result as JSON to PATH
    Request timeout in seconds
    Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: 10

    Related Commands

    chef-automate config gen

    Prompt based Config Generation command. It will output the config in the provided file, if file path is not provided then it will print on STDOUT.

    Supported on

    Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

    In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


    chef-automate config gen [/path/to/write/config.toml] [flags]


    Do not prompt for confirmation; accept defaults and continue
    Default value: false
    Enable debug output
    Default value: false
    help for gen
    Default value: false
    Disable version check
    Default value: false
    Overwrite existing config.toml
    Default value: false
    Write command result as JSON to PATH
    Request timeout in seconds
    Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: 10

    Related Commands

    chef-automate config oc-id-show-app

    Get the details of the oauth applications registered with OC-ID

    Supported on

    Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

    In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


    chef-automate config oc-id-show-app [flags]


    Do not prompt for confirmation; accept defaults and continue
    Default value: false
    Enable debug output
    Default value: false
    help for oc-id-show-app
    Default value: false
    Disable version check
    Default value: false
    Write command result as JSON to PATH
    Request timeout in seconds
    Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: 10
    This flag sets the operation timeout duration (in seconds) for each individual node during the config oc-id-show-app process
    Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: 600

    Related Commands

    chef-automate config patch

    Apply a partial Chef Automate configuration to the deployment. It will take the partial configuration, merge it with the existing configuration, and apply and required changes.

    Supported on

    Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

    In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


    chef-automate config patch path/to/config.toml [flags]


    Patch toml configuration to the automate node[DUPLICATE]
    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: false
    Do not prompt for confirmation; accept defaults and continue
    Default value: false
    Patch toml configuration to the automate node
    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: false
    Patch toml configuration to the chef_server node
    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: false
    Patch toml configuration to the chef_server node[DUPLICATE]
    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: false
    Enable debug output
    Default value: false
    Patch toml configuration to the all frontend nodes[DUPLICATE]
    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: false
    Patch toml configuration to the all frontend nodes
    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: false
    help for patch
    Default value: false
    Disable version check
    Default value: false
    Patch toml configuration to the opensearch node
    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: false
    Patch toml configuration to the opensearch node[DUPLICATE]
    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: false
    Patch toml configuration to the postgresql node[DUPLICATE]
    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: false
    Patch toml configuration to the postgresql node
    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: false
    Write command result as JSON to PATH
    Request timeout in seconds
    Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: 10
    This flag sets the operation timeout duration (in seconds) for each individual node during the config patch process
    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: 600

    Related Commands

    chef-automate config set

    Set the Chef Automate configuration for the deployment. It will replace the Chef Automate configuration with the given configuration and apply any required changes.

    Supported on

    Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

    In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


    chef-automate config set path/to/config.toml [flags]


    Set toml configuration to the automate node[DUPLICATE]
    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: false
    Do not prompt for confirmation; accept defaults and continue
    Default value: false
    Set toml configuration to the automate node
    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: false
    Set toml configuration to the chef_server node
    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: false
    Set toml configuration to the chef_server node[DUPLICATE]
    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: false
    Enable debug output
    Default value: false
    help for set
    Default value: false
    Disable version check
    Default value: false
    Set toml configuration to the opensearch node
    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: false
    Set toml configuration to the opensearch node[DUPLICATE]
    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: false
    Set toml configuration to the postgresql node[DUPLICATE]
    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: false
    Set toml configuration to the postgresql node
    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: false
    Write command result as JSON to PATH
    Request timeout in seconds
    Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: 10

    Related Commands

    chef-automate config show

    Show the Chef Automate configuration. When given a filepath, the output will be written to the file instead of printed to STDOUT

    Supported on

    Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

    In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


    chef-automate config show [/path/to/write/config.toml] [flags]


    Shows configurations from Automate node(HA)[DUPLICATE]
    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: false
    Do not prompt for confirmation; accept defaults and continue
    Default value: false
    Shows configurations from Automate node(HA)
    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: false
    Shows configurations from Chef-server node(HA)
    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: false
    Shows configurations from Chef-server node(HA)[DUPLICATE]
    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: false
    Enable debug output
    Default value: false
    help for show
    Default value: false
    Disable version check
    Default value: false
    Shows configurations from OpenSearch node
    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: false
    Shows configurations from OpenSearch node[DUPLICATE]
    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: false
    Overwrite existing config.toml [Standalone]
    Default value: false
    Shows configurations from PostgresQL node[DUPLICATE]
    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: false
    Shows configurations from PostgresQL node
    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: false
    Write command result as JSON to PATH
    Request timeout in seconds
    Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: 10
    This flag sets the operation timeout duration (in seconds) for each individual node during the config show process
    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: 600

    Related Commands

    chef-automate deploy

    Deploy a new Chef Automate instance using the supplied configuration. - <CONFIG_FILE> must be a valid path to a TOML formatted configuration file

    Supported on

    Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

    In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


    chef-automate deploy [/path/to/config.toml] [flags]


    Agree to the Chef Software Terms of Service and the Master License and Services Agreement
    Default value: false
    Path to an airgap install bundle
    The path to a certificate that should be used for external TLS connections (web and API).
    Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
    Release channel to deploy all services from
    Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
    Enable debug output
    Default value: false
    The fully-qualified domain name that Chef Automate can be accessed at. (default: hostname of this machine)
    Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
    help for deploy
    Default value: false
    Disable version check
    Default value: false
    The path to a private key corresponding to the TLS certificate.
    Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
    Product to deploy
    Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: []
    Write command result as JSON to PATH
    Deploy regardless of pre-flight conditions
    Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: false
    Flag for skipping config verification check
    Default value: false
    Upgrade strategy to use for this deployment.
    Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
    Default value: at-once
    Do not prompt for confirmation; accept defaults and continue
    Default value: false

    Related Commands

      chef-automate external-cert

      Manage Chef Automate’s external certificate authority. Used for establishing TLS/SSL communication with automate.

      Supported on

      Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

      In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is only supported on Chef Automate and Chef Infra Server frontend nodes.


      chef-automate external-cert COMMAND [flags]


      Enable debug output
      Default value: false
      File path to save automate TLS certifcate to.
      help for external-cert
      Default value: false
      Hostname for the automate TLS certificate
      Disable version check
      Default value: false
      Write command result as JSON to PATH

      Related Commands

      chef-automate external-cert show

      Supported on

      Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

      In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is only supported on Chef Automate and Chef Infra Server frontend nodes.


      chef-automate external-cert show [flags]


      Enable debug output
      Default value: false
      File path to save automate TLS certifcate to.
      help for show
      Default value: false
      Hostname for the automate TLS certificate
      Disable version check
      Default value: false
      Write command result as JSON to PATH

      Related Commands

      chef-automate gather-logs

      Collect system diagnostics and logs from Chef Automate and other services

      Supported on

      Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

      In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


      chef-automate gather-logs [/path/to/log/bundle.tar.gz] [flags]


      Enable debug output
      Default value: false
      help for gather-logs
      Default value: false
      run gather-logs in local fallback mode
      Default value: false
      Number of system log lines (journald logs) to collect (0 for all logs)
      Default value: 500000
      Disable version check
      Default value: false
      Overwrite existing log archive
      Default value: false
      Write command result as JSON to PATH

      Related Commands

        chef-automate iam

        Supported on

        Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

        In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


        chef-automate iam COMMAND [flags]


        Enable debug output
        Default value: false
        help for iam
        Default value: false
        Disable version check
        Default value: false
        Write command result as JSON to PATH

        Related Commands

        chef-automate iam admin-access

        Supported on

        Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

        In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


        chef-automate iam admin-access COMMAND [flags]


        Enable debug output
        Default value: false
        help for admin-access
        Default value: false
        Disable version check
        Default value: false
        Write command result as JSON to PATH

        Related Commands

        chef-automate iam admin-access restore

        Recreate the admin user, admin team, and related admin policy as needed to restore to factory default and update the admin user’s password

        Supported on

        Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

        In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


        chef-automate iam admin-access restore PASSWORD [flags]


        Enable debug output
        Default value: false
        Show what would be updated by this command without performing any changes
        Default value: false
        help for restore
        Default value: false
        Disable version check
        Default value: false
        Write command result as JSON to PATH

        Related Commands

        chef-automate iam token

        Supported on

        Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

        In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


        chef-automate iam token COMMAND [flags]


        Enable debug output
        Default value: false
        help for token
        Default value: false
        Disable version check
        Default value: false
        Write command result as JSON to PATH

        Related Commands

        chef-automate iam token create

        Supported on

        Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

        In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


        chef-automate iam token create NAME [flags]


        Generate a token and add it to the chef-managed admin policy
        Default value: false
        Enable debug output
        Default value: false
        help for create
        Default value: false
        Specify a custom ID (if omitted, an ID will be generated based on NAME)
        Disable version check
        Default value: false
        Write command result as JSON to PATH

        Related Commands

        chef-automate iam version

        Supported on

        Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

        In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


        chef-automate iam version [flags]


        Enable debug output
        Default value: false
        help for version
        Default value: false
        Disable version check
        Default value: false
        Write command result as JSON to PATH

        Related Commands

        chef-automate info

        Info for Automate HA cluster

        Supported on

        Command available on Chef Automate high availability deployments.

        In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


        chef-automate info [flags]


        Enable debug output
        Default value: false
        help for info
        Default value: false
        Disable version check
        Default value: false
        Write command result as JSON to PATH

        Related Commands

          chef-automate infrastructure

          Commands for automation infrastructure management, for data related to chef-client runs and chef-server actions.

          Supported on

          Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

          In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


          chef-automate infrastructure COMMAND [flags]


          Enable debug output
          Default value: false
          help for infrastructure
          Default value: false
          Disable version check
          Default value: false
          Write command result as JSON to PATH

          Related Commands

          chef-automate infrastructure node-delete

          Supported on

          Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

          In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


          chef-automate infrastructure node-delete [uuid] [flags]


          Enable debug output
          Default value: false
          help for node-delete
          Default value: false
          Disable version check
          Default value: false
          Write command result as JSON to PATH

          Related Commands

          chef-automate init-config

          Initialize default configuration and save it to a file.

          Supported on

          Command available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.


          chef-automate init-config [flags]


          The path to a certificate that should be used for external TLS connections (web and API).
          Release channel to deploy all services from
          Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
          Default value: current
          Enable debug output
          Default value: false
          The amount of system memory to allocate to Elasticsearch's heap. (default: 25% of system memory)
          File path to write the config
          Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
          Default value: config.toml
          The fully-qualified domain name that Chef Automate can be accessed at. (default: hostname of this machine)
          help for init-config
          Default value: false
          Disable version check
          Default value: false
          The amount of system memory to allocate to Opensearch's heap. (default: 25% of system memory)
          The path to a private key corresponding to the TLS certificate.
          Write command result as JSON to PATH
          Upgrade strategy to use for this deployment.
          Default value: at-once

          Related Commands

            chef-automate init-config-ha

            Initialized default configuration for HA and save it to a file.

            Supported on

            Command available on Chef Automate high availability deployments.

            In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


            chef-automate init-config-ha [flags]


            Enable debug output
            Default value: false
            File path to write the config
            Default value: config.toml
            help for init-config-ha
            Default value: false
            Disable version check
            Default value: false
            a2ha hab workspace dir path
            Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
            Default value: /hab/a2_deploy_workspace/
            Write command result as JSON to PATH

            Related Commands

              chef-automate internal-ca

              Manage Chef Automate’s internal certificate authority. Used for inter-service encryption and authentication.

              Supported on

              Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

              In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


              chef-automate internal-ca COMMAND [flags]


              Enable debug output
              Default value: false
              help for internal-ca
              Default value: false
              Disable version check
              Default value: false
              Write command result as JSON to PATH

              Related Commands

              chef-automate internal-ca info

              Supported on

              Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

              In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


              chef-automate internal-ca info [flags]


              Print information of the root certificate of automate nodes
              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
              Default value: false
              Print information of the root certificate of automate nodes
              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
              Default value: false
              Print information of the root certificate of chef_server nodes
              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
              Default value: false
              Print information of the root certificate of chef_server nodes
              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
              Default value: false
              Enable debug output
              Default value: false
              help for info
              Default value: false
              Disable version check
              Default value: false
              Node Ip address
              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
              Write command result as JSON to PATH

              Related Commands

              chef-automate internal-ca regenerate

              Supported on

              Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

              In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


              chef-automate internal-ca regenerate [flags]


              Enable debug output
              Default value: false
              help for regenerate
              Default value: false
              Disable version check
              Default value: false
              Write command result as JSON to PATH

              Related Commands

              chef-automate internal-ca regenerate root

              Supported on

              Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

              In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


              chef-automate internal-ca regenerate root [flags]


              Regenerate the root certificate for automate nodes
              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
              Default value: false
              Regenerate the root certificate for automate nodes
              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
              Default value: false
              Regenerate the root certificate for chef_server nodes
              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
              Default value: false
              Regenerate the root certificate for chef_server nodes
              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
              Default value: false
              Enable debug output
              Default value: false
              help for root
              Default value: false
              Disable version check
              Default value: false
              Node Ip address
              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
              Write command result as JSON to PATH

              Related Commands

              chef-automate license

              Supported on

              Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

              In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


              chef-automate license COMMAND [flags]


              Enable debug output
              Default value: false
              help for license
              Default value: false
              Disable version check
              Default value: false
              Write command result as JSON to PATH

              Related Commands

              chef-automate license apply

              Apply Chef Automate license token. - must be valid encoded license string

              Supported on

              Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

              In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


              chef-automate license apply LICENSE [flags]


              Enable debug output
              Default value: false
              Force set license
              Default value: false
              help for apply
              Default value: false
              Disable version check
              Default value: false
              Write command result as JSON to PATH

              Related Commands

              chef-automate license complianceResourceRunCount

              Supported on

              Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

              In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


              chef-automate license complianceResourceRunCount [flags]


              Enable debug output
              Default value: false
              end time of the report in yyyy-mm-dd format
              hostname of the OpenSource host
              Default value: localhost
              port of the OpenSource host
              Default value: 10168
              file name for the report Ex: complianceUniqueResourceCount
              help for complianceResourceRunCount
              Default value: false
              Disable version check
              Default value: false
              password of the OpenSource host
              Default value: admin
              username of the OpenSource host
              Default value: admin
              Write command result as JSON to PATH
              start time of the report in yyyy-mm-dd format

              Related Commands

              chef-automate license complianceResourceRunReport

              Supported on

              Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

              In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


              chef-automate license complianceResourceRunReport [flags]


              Enable debug output
              Default value: false
              end time of the report in yyyy-mm-dd format
              hostname of the OpenSource host
              Default value: localhost
              port of the OpenSource host
              Default value: 10168
              file name for the report Ex: complianceUniqueResourceCount
              help for complianceResourceRunReport
              Default value: false
              Disable version check
              Default value: false
              password of the OpenSource host
              Default value: admin
              username of the OpenSource host
              Default value: admin
              Write command result as JSON to PATH
              start time of the report in yyyy-mm-dd format

              Related Commands

              chef-automate license nodeRunReport

              Supported on

              Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

              In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


              chef-automate license nodeRunReport [flags]


              Enable debug output
              Default value: false
              end time of the report in yyyy-mm-dd format
              hostname of the OpenSource host
              Default value: localhost
              port of the OpenSource host
              Default value: 10168
              file name for the report Ex: complianceUniqueResourceCount
              help for nodeRunReport
              Default value: false
              Disable version check
              Default value: false
              password of the OpenSource host
              Default value: admin
              username of the OpenSource host
              Default value: admin
              Write command result as JSON to PATH
              start time of the report in yyyy-mm-dd format

              Related Commands

              chef-automate license status

              Supported on

              Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

              In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


              chef-automate license status [flags]


              Enable debug output
              Default value: false
              help for status
              Default value: false
              Disable version check
              Default value: false
              Write command result as JSON to PATH

              Related Commands

              chef-automate license uniqNodeRunReport

              Supported on

              Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

              In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


              chef-automate license uniqNodeRunReport [flags]


              Enable debug output
              Default value: false
              end time of the report in yyyy-mm-dd format
              file name for the report Ex: complianceUniqueResourceCount
              help for uniqNodeRunReport
              Default value: false
              Disable version check
              Default value: false
              hostname of the OpenSource host
              Default value: localhost
              password of the OpenSource host
              Default value: admin
              port of the OpenSource host
              Default value: 10168
              username of the OpenSource host
              Default value: admin
              Write command result as JSON to PATH
              start time of the report in yyyy-mm-dd format

              Related Commands

              chef-automate maintenance

              Chef Automate maintenance mode keeps all services running but rejects new connections at the load balancer so that maintenance operations can be performed.

              Supported on

              Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

              In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is only supported on Chef Automate and Chef Infra Server frontend nodes.


              chef-automate maintenance [on|off] [flags]


              Enable debug output
              Default value: false
              help for maintenance
              Default value: false
              Disable version check
              Default value: false
              Write command result as JSON to PATH
              Request timeout in seconds
              Default value: 10

              Related Commands

                chef-automate migrate-from-v1

                Migrate an existing Chef Automate v1 deployment to Chef Automate v2. - <CONFIG_FILE> must be a valid path to a TOML formatted configuration file

                Supported on

                Command available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.


                chef-automate migrate-from-v1 [/path/to/automate-deploy.toml] [flags]


                Path to an airgap install bundle
                Optional channel to use when installing packages from the depot
                Path to chef-server-running.json
                Default value: /etc/opscode/chef-server-running.json
                Path to an automate-deploy.toml
                Enable debug output
                Default value: false
                Path to delivery-running.json
                Default value: /etc/delivery/delivery-running.json
                Path to delivery-secrets.json
                Default value: /etc/delivery/delivery-secrets.json
                Enable integrated Chef Server migration and deployment; only valid for all-in-one topology
                Default value: false
                Optional timeout for moving elasticsearch, compliance, and notifications files during Chef Automate v1 migration (0 to disable timeout)
                Default value: 0
                help for migrate-from-v1
                Default value: false
                Disable version check
                Default value: false
                Optional timeout for Chef Automate v1 PostgreSQL dump (0 to disable timeout)
                Default value: 0
                Optional timeout for Chef Automate v1 PostgreSQL restore (0 to disable timeout)
                Default value: 0
                Write command result as JSON to PATH
                Optionally skip backup of your Chef Automate v1 installation (default = false)
                Default value: false
                Optionally do not check if your Chef Automate v1 installation has backups configured (default = false)
                Default value: false
                Optionally do not check if your Chef Automate v1 installation has disaster recovery configured (default = false)
                Default value: false
                Optionally do not check if your Chef Automate v1 installation has external Elasticsearch configured (default = false)
                Default value: false
                Optionally do not check if your Chef Automate v1 installation has FIPS configured (default = false)
                Default value: false
                Deploy regardless of pre-flight conditions
                Default value: false
                Optionally do not check if your Chef Automate v1 installation has SAML configured (default = false)
                Default value: false
                Optionally do not check if your Chef Automate v1 installation has workflow configured (default = false)
                Default value: false
                Optional upgrade strategy to use when configuring the deployment service
                Do not prompt for confirmation; accept defaults and continue
                Default value: false

                Related Commands

                chef-automate migrate-from-v1-status

                Supported on

                Command available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.


                chef-automate migrate-from-v1-status [flags]


                Enable debug output
                Default value: false
                help for migrate-from-v1-status
                Default value: false
                Disable version check
                Default value: false
                Write command result as JSON to PATH

                Related Commands

                  chef-automate migrate-from-v1 gen-config

                  Generate a Chef Automate v2 configuration file from Chef Automate v1

                  Supported on

                  Command available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.


                  chef-automate migrate-from-v1 gen-config [flags]


                  Path to an airgap install bundle
                  Optional channel to use when installing packages from the depot
                  Path to chef-server-running.json
                  Default value: /etc/opscode/chef-server-running.json
                  Path to an automate-deploy.toml
                  Enable debug output
                  Default value: false
                  Path to delivery-running.json
                  Default value: /etc/delivery/delivery-running.json
                  Path to delivery-secrets.json
                  Default value: /etc/delivery/delivery-secrets.json
                  Enable integrated Chef Server migration and deployment; only valid for all-in-one topology
                  Default value: false
                  Optional timeout for moving elasticsearch, compliance, and notifications files during Chef Automate v1 migration (0 to disable timeout)
                  Default value: 0
                  help for gen-config
                  Default value: false
                  Disable version check
                  Default value: false
                  Output file
                  Default value: ./automate-migrate.toml
                  Optional timeout for Chef Automate v1 PostgreSQL dump (0 to disable timeout)
                  Default value: 0
                  Optional timeout for Chef Automate v1 PostgreSQL restore (0 to disable timeout)
                  Default value: 0
                  Write command result as JSON to PATH
                  Optionally skip backup of your Chef Automate v1 installation (default = false)
                  Default value: false
                  Optionally do not check if your Chef Automate v1 installation has backups configured (default = false)
                  Default value: false
                  Optionally do not check if your Chef Automate v1 installation has disaster recovery configured (default = false)
                  Default value: false
                  Optionally do not check if your Chef Automate v1 installation has external Elasticsearch configured (default = false)
                  Default value: false
                  Optionally do not check if your Chef Automate v1 installation has FIPS configured (default = false)
                  Default value: false
                  Deploy regardless of pre-flight conditions
                  Default value: false
                  Optionally do not check if your Chef Automate v1 installation has SAML configured (default = false)
                  Default value: false
                  Optionally do not check if your Chef Automate v1 installation has workflow configured (default = false)
                  Default value: false
                  Optional upgrade strategy to use when configuring the deployment service
                  Do not prompt for confirmation; accept defaults and continue
                  Default value: false

                  Related Commands

                  chef-automate node

                  Supported on

                  Command available on Chef Automate high availability deployments.

                  In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


                  chef-automate node COMMAND [flags]


                  Enable debug output
                  Default value: false
                  help for node
                  Default value: false
                  Disable version check
                  Default value: false
                  Write command result as JSON to PATH

                  Related Commands

                  chef-automate node add

                  Add new node in HA

                  Supported on

                  Command available on Chef Automate high availability deployments.

                  In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


                  chef-automate node add [flags]


                  Default value: false
                  New automate instances to be added. Works with --aws-mode flag
                  Default value: 0
                  New automate ip addresses to be added. Works with --onprem-mode flag
                  Use this flag if the deployment type is AWS
                  Default value: false
                  New chef-server instances to be added. Works with --aws-mode flag
                  Default value: 0
                  New chef-server ip addresses to be added. Works with --onprem-mode flag
                  Enable debug output
                  Default value: false
                  help for add
                  Default value: false
                  Disable version check
                  Default value: false
                  Use this flag if the deployment type is on prem
                  Default value: false
                  New opensearch instances to be added. Works with --aws-mode flag
                  Default value: 0
                  New opensearch ip addresses to be added. Works with --onprem-mode flag
                  New postgresql instances to be added. Works with --aws-mode flag
                  Default value: 0
                  New postgres ip addresses to be added. Works with --onprem-mode flag
                  Write command result as JSON to PATH

                  Related Commands

                  chef-automate node remove

                  remove existing node in HA

                  Supported on

                  Command available on Chef Automate high availability deployments.

                  In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


                  chef-automate node remove [flags]


                  Default value: false
                  Automate ip addresses to be removed. Works with --onprem-mode flag
                  Use this flag if the deployment type is AWS
                  Default value: false
                  Chef-server ip addresses to be removed. Works with --onprem-mode flag
                  Enable debug output
                  Default value: false
                  help for remove
                  Default value: false
                  Disable version check
                  Default value: false
                  Use this flag if the deployment type is on prem
                  Default value: false
                  OpenSearch ip addresses to be removed. Works with --onprem-mode flag
                  Postgresql ip addresses to be removed. Works with --onprem-mode flag
                  Write command result as JSON to PATH

                  Related Commands

                  chef-automate post-major-upgrade

                  Supported on

                  Command available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.


                  chef-automate post-major-upgrade COMMAND [flags]


                  Enable debug output
                  Default value: false
                  help for post-major-upgrade
                  Default value: false
                  Disable version check
                  Default value: false
                  Write command result as JSON to PATH

                  Related Commands

                  chef-automate post-major-upgrade clear-data

                  Chef Automate post-major-upgrade to clear old pg data

                  Supported on

                  Command available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.


                  chef-automate post-major-upgrade clear-data [flags]


                  Default value: false
                  Enable debug output
                  Default value: false
                  Default value: false
                  help for clear-data
                  Default value: false
                  Disable version check
                  Default value: false
                  Write command result as JSON to PATH

                  Related Commands

                  chef-automate post-major-upgrade migrate

                  Chef Automate migrate. migrate can be used to migrate pg or migrate es

                  Supported on

                  Command available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.


                  chef-automate post-major-upgrade migrate [flags]


                  Default value: false
                  Default value: false
                  Enable debug output
                  Default value: false
                  Default value: false
                  help for migrate
                  Default value: false
                  Disable version check
                  Default value: false
                  Write command result as JSON to PATH
                  permanently skiping migration
                  Default value: false
                  skip storage check
                  Default value: false

                  Related Commands

                  chef-automate preflight-check

                  Perform preflight check to verify host meets installation criteria.

                  Supported on

                  Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

                  In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


                  chef-automate preflight-check [flags]


                  Pass this flag to run pre-flight check on automate node(HA)
                  Default value: false
                  Pass this flag when the environment is airgapped
                  Default value: false
                  Pass this flag to run pre-flight check on automate node(HA)
                  Default value: false
                  Pass this flag to run pre-flight check on chef-server node(HA)
                  Default value: false
                  Optional config file to use
                  Pass this flag to run pre-flight check on chef-server node(HA)
                  Default value: false
                  Enable debug output
                  Default value: false
                  Pass this flag to run pre-flight check on all Frontend nodes
                  Default value: false
                  Pass this flag to run pre-flight check on all Frontend nodes
                  Default value: false
                  Pass this flag to run pre-flight check on automate-HA
                  Default value: false
                  help for preflight-check
                  Default value: false
                  Disable version check
                  Default value: false
                  Pass this flag to run pre-flight check on a perticular node node(HA)
                  Write command result as JSON to PATH

                  Related Commands

                  chef-automate preflight-check migrate-from-v1

                  Supported on

                  Command available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.


                  chef-automate preflight-check migrate-from-v1 [flags]


                  Pass this flag to run pre-flight check on automate node(HA)
                  Default value: false
                  Pass this flag when the environment is airgapped
                  Default value: false
                  Pass this flag to run pre-flight check on automate node(HA)
                  Default value: false
                  Pass this flag to run pre-flight check on chef-server node(HA)
                  Default value: false
                  Optional config file to use
                  Pass this flag to run pre-flight check on chef-server node(HA)
                  Default value: false
                  Enable debug output
                  Default value: false
                  Path to delivery-running.json
                  Default value: /etc/delivery/delivery-running.json
                  Path to delivery-secrets.json
                  Default value: /etc/delivery/delivery-secrets.json
                  Pass this flag to run pre-flight check on all Frontend nodes
                  Default value: false
                  Pass this flag to run pre-flight check on all Frontend nodes
                  Default value: false
                  Pass this flag to run pre-flight check on automate-HA
                  Default value: false
                  help for migrate-from-v1
                  Default value: false
                  Disable version check
                  Default value: false
                  Pass this flag to run pre-flight check on a perticular node node(HA)
                  Write command result as JSON to PATH
                  Optionally do not check if your Chef Automate v1 installation has backups configured (default = false)
                  Default value: false
                  Optionally do not check if your Chef Automate v1 installation has disaster recovery configured (default = false)
                  Default value: false
                  Optionally do not check if your Chef Automate v1 installation has external Elasticsearch configured (default = false)
                  Default value: false
                  Optionally do not check if your Chef Automate v1 installation has FIPS configured (default = false)
                  Default value: false
                  Optionally do not check if your Chef Automate v1 installation has SAML configured (default = false)
                  Default value: false
                  Optionally do not check if your Chef Automate v1 installation has workflow configured (default = false)
                  Default value: false

                  Related Commands

                  chef-automate provision-infra

                  Provision infra for Automate HA deployment.

                  Supported on

                  Command available on Chef Automate high availability deployments.

                  In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


                  chef-automate provision-infra [flags]


                  Path to an airgap install bundle
                  Release channel to deploy all services from
                  Enable debug output
                  Default value: false
                  help for provision-infra
                  Default value: false
                  Disable version check
                  Default value: false
                  Write command result as JSON to PATH
                  Flag for saas setup
                  Default value: false
                  Do not prompt for confirmation; accept defaults and continue
                  Default value: false

                  Related Commands

                    chef-automate restart-services

                    Restart services for a deployment

                    Supported on

                    Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

                    In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


                    chef-automate restart-services [flags]


                    restart chef automate service on automate nodes[DUPLICATE]
                    Default value: false
                    restart chef automate service on automate nodes
                    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                    Default value: false
                    restart chef automate service on chef-server nodes
                    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                    Default value: false
                    restart chef automate service on chef-server nodes[DUPLICATE]
                    Default value: false
                    Enable debug output
                    Default value: false
                    help for restart-services
                    Default value: false
                    Disable version check
                    Default value: false
                    Node Ip address
                    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                    restart hab-sup service on opensearch nodes
                    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                    Default value: false
                    restart hab-sup service on opensearch nodes[DUPLICATE]
                    Default value: false
                    restart hab-sup service on postgresql nodes[DUPLICATE]
                    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                    Default value: false
                    restart hab-sup service on postgresql nodes
                    Default value: false
                    Write command result as JSON to PATH
                    This flag sets the operation timeout duration (in seconds) for each individual node during the restart services
                    Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                    Default value: 1200

                    Related Commands

                      chef-automate secrets

                      Set secrets for Automate sudo password and admin password in HA mode.

                      Supported on

                      Command available on Chef Automate high availability deployments.

                      In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


                      chef-automate secrets [flags]


                      Enable debug output
                      Default value: false
                      help for secrets
                      Default value: false
                      Disable version check
                      Default value: false
                      Write command result as JSON to PATH

                      Related Commands

                        chef-automate service-versions

                        Retrieve the versions of the individual Chef Automate services

                        Supported on

                        Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

                        In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


                        chef-automate service-versions [flags]


                        Shows service-versions for Automate nodes[DUPLICATE]
                        Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                        Default value: false
                        Shows service-versions for Automate nodes
                        Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                        Default value: false
                        Shows service-versions for Chef-server nodes
                        Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                        Default value: false
                        Shows service-versions for Chef-server nodes[DUPLICATE]
                        Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                        Default value: false
                        Enable debug output
                        Default value: false
                        help for service-versions
                        Default value: false
                        Disable version check
                        Default value: false
                        Pass this flag to check service-versions of particular node in the cluster
                        Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                        Shows service-versions for OpenSearch nodes
                        Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                        Default value: false
                        Shows service-versions for OpenSearch nodes[DUPLICATE]
                        Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                        Default value: false
                        Shows service-versions for PostgresQL nodes[DUPLICATE]
                        Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                        Default value: false
                        Shows service-versions for PostgresQL nodes
                        Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                        Default value: false
                        Write command result as JSON to PATH

                        Related Commands

                          chef-automate ssh

                          SSH into Automate HA servers

                          Supported on

                          Command available on Chef Automate high availability deployments.

                          In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


                          chef-automate ssh [flags]


                          Enable debug output
                          Default value: false
                          help for ssh
                          Default value: false
                          Automate ha server name to ssh
                          Disable version check
                          Default value: false
                          Write command result as JSON to PATH

                          Related Commands

                            chef-automate start

                            Supported on

                            Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

                            In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


                            chef-automate start [flags]


                            start chef automate service on automate nodes[DUPLICATE]
                            Default value: false
                            start chef automate service on automate nodes
                            Default value: false
                            start chef automate service on chef-server nodes
                            Default value: false
                            start chef automate service on chef-server nodes[DUPLICATE]
                            Default value: false
                            Enable debug output
                            Default value: false
                            help for start
                            Default value: false
                            Disable version check
                            Default value: false
                            start hab-sup service on opensearch nodes
                            Default value: false
                            start hab-sup service on opensearch nodes[DUPLICATE]
                            Default value: false
                            start hab-sup service on postgresql nodes[DUPLICATE]
                            Default value: false
                            start hab-sup service on postgresql nodes
                            Default value: false
                            Write command result as JSON to PATH

                            Related Commands

                              chef-automate status

                              Retrieve Chef Automate status. Includes status of Automate services.

                              Supported on

                              Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

                              In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


                              chef-automate status [flags]


                              Shows status from Automate nodes[DUPLICATE]
                              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                              Default value: false
                              Shows status from Automate nodes
                              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                              Default value: false
                              Shows status from Chef-server nodes
                              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                              Default value: false
                              Shows status from Chef-server nodes[DUPLICATE]
                              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                              Default value: false
                              Enable debug output
                              Default value: false
                              help for status
                              Default value: false
                              Disable version check
                              Default value: false
                              Pass this flag to check status of perticular node in the cluster
                              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                              Shows status from OpenSearch nodes
                              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                              Default value: false
                              Shows status from OpenSearch nodes[DUPLICATE]
                              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                              Default value: false
                              Shows status from PostgresQL nodes[DUPLICATE]
                              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                              Default value: false
                              Shows status from PostgresQL nodes
                              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                              Default value: false
                              Write command result as JSON to PATH
                              Wait until the status response is healthy or the timeout is reached
                              Default value: false
                              How many seconds to wait between polling for status updates
                              Default value: 2
                              How many seconds to wait for the status to be healthy before returning an error
                              Default value: 600

                              Related Commands

                              chef-automate status summary

                              Retrieve Chef Automate status node summary for HA deployment

                              Supported on

                              Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

                              In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


                              chef-automate status summary [flags]


                              Get only automate Status
                              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                              Default value: false
                              Get only chef server Status
                              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                              Default value: false
                              Enable debug output
                              Default value: false
                              help for summary
                              Default value: false
                              Disable version check
                              Default value: false
                              Node Ip address
                              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                              Get only opensearch Status
                              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                              Default value: false
                              Get only postgresql Status
                              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                              Default value: false
                              Write command result as JSON to PATH

                              Related Commands

                              chef-automate stop

                              Stop a running deployment of Automate.

                              Supported on

                              Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

                              In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


                              chef-automate stop [flags]


                              Stop chef automate services of automate nodes
                              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                              Default value: false
                              Stop chef automate services of automate nodes
                              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                              Default value: false
                              Stop chef automate services of chef_server nodes
                              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                              Default value: false
                              Stop chef automate services of chef_server nodes
                              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                              Default value: false
                              Enable debug output
                              Default value: false
                              help for stop
                              Default value: false
                              Disable version check
                              Default value: false
                              Node Ip address
                              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                              Stop hab-sup service of opensearch nodes
                              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                              Default value: false
                              Stop hab-sup service of opensearch nodes
                              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                              Default value: false
                              Stop hab-sup service of postgresql nodes
                              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                              Default value: false
                              Stop hab-sup service of postgresql nodes
                              Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                              Default value: false
                              Write command result as JSON to PATH

                              Related Commands

                                chef-automate system-logs

                                Start streaming logs from the Chef Automate server. Ctrl + c to stop.

                                Supported on

                                Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

                                In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is only supported on Chef Automate and Chef Infra Server frontend nodes.


                                chef-automate system-logs [flags]


                                Enable debug output
                                Default value: false
                                help for system-logs
                                Default value: false
                                Disable version check
                                Default value: false
                                Write command result as JSON to PATH

                                Related Commands

                                  chef-automate test

                                  Run smoke test for Automate HA services.

                                  Supported on

                                  Command available on Chef Automate high availability deployments.

                                  In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


                                  chef-automate test [flags]


                                  Enable debug output
                                  Default value: false
                                  Automate ha cluster test full
                                  Default value: false
                                  help for test
                                  Default value: false
                                  Disable version check
                                  Default value: false
                                  Write command result as JSON to PATH

                                  Related Commands

                                    chef-automate uninstall

                                    Uninstall Chef Automate, deleting all data and configuration

                                    Supported on

                                    Command available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.


                                    chef-automate uninstall [flags]


                                    Enable debug output
                                    Default value: false
                                    help for uninstall
                                    Default value: false
                                    Disable version check
                                    Default value: false
                                    Preserve Habitat package cache (useful for faster reinstall)
                                    Default value: false
                                    Write command result as JSON to PATH
                                    Uninstall Chef Automate and destroy data without confirmation prompt
                                    Default value: false

                                    Related Commands

                                      chef-automate upgrade

                                      Supported on

                                      Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

                                      In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


                                      chef-automate upgrade COMMAND [flags]


                                      Enable debug output
                                      Default value: false
                                      help for upgrade
                                      Default value: false
                                      Disable version check
                                      Default value: false
                                      Write command result as JSON to PATH

                                      Related Commands

                                      chef-automate upgrade run

                                      Run an upgrade of Chef Automate

                                      Supported on

                                      Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

                                      In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


                                      chef-automate upgrade run [flags]


                                      Path to an airgap install bundle
                                      Do not prompt for confirmation; accept defaults and continue
                                      Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                                      Default value: false
                                      Enable debug output
                                      Default value: false
                                      help for run
                                      Default value: false
                                      This flag is only needed for major version upgrades
                                      Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
                                      Default value: false
                                      Disable version check
                                      Default value: false
                                      Flag for providing custom os destination data directory
                                      Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
                                      Write command result as JSON to PATH
                                      Flag for saas setup
                                      Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                                      Default value: false
                                      will only upgrade and not deploy the bundle
                                      Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                                      Default value: false
                                      Flag for skipping disk space check during upgrade
                                      Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
                                      Default value: false
                                      Flag for skipping config verification check
                                      Default value: false
                                      Update Chef Automate both frontend and backend version to install
                                      Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                                      Default value: false
                                      Update Chef Automate backends version to install
                                      Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                                      Default value: false
                                      upgrade Chef Automate HA frontends version to install
                                      Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                                      Default value: false
                                      The exact Chef Automate version to install
                                      Flag only available on standalone Chef Automate deployments.
                                      Do not prompt for confirmation to accept workspace upgrade
                                      Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.

                                      Related Commands

                                      chef-automate upgrade status

                                      Get upgrade status of Chef Automate

                                      Supported on

                                      Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

                                      In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is only supported on Chef Automate and Chef Infra Server frontend nodes.


                                      chef-automate upgrade status [flags]


                                      Enable debug output
                                      Default value: false
                                      help for status
                                      Default value: false
                                      Disable version check
                                      Default value: false
                                      Write command result as JSON to PATH

                                      Related Commands

                                      chef-automate version

                                      Show the CLI version.

                                      Supported on

                                      Command available on standalone and high availability Chef Automate deployments.

                                      In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


                                      chef-automate version [flags]


                                      Get only automate Status
                                      Default value: false
                                      Get only chef server Status
                                      Default value: false
                                      Enable debug output
                                      Default value: false
                                      help for version
                                      Default value: false
                                      Disable version check
                                      Default value: false
                                      Node Ip address. While using this flag, pass the node type as well. Example : chef-automate version --node --cs
                                      Flag only available on high availability Chef Automate deployments.
                                      Get only opensearch Status
                                      Default value: false
                                      Get only postgresql Status
                                      Default value: false
                                      Write command result as JSON to PATH
                                      Show additional version information
                                      Default value: false

                                      Related Commands

                                        chef-automate workspace

                                        Set up Automate HA cluster workspace.

                                        Supported on

                                        Command available on Chef Automate high availability deployments.

                                        In high availability Chef Automate deployments, this command is supported on the bastion host.


                                        chef-automate workspace [flags]


                                        Enable debug output
                                        Default value: false
                                        help for workspace
                                        Default value: false
                                        Disable version check
                                        Default value: false
                                        Write command result as JSON to PATH

                                        Related Commands

                                          Error Codes

                                          If chef-automate encounters an error during execution, it exits with a non-zero error code. Here’s what our error codes mean:

                                          Chef Automate CLI Status Error Codes
                                          Exit CodeNameDescription
                                          68HabUserAccessErrorUnable to access file or directory with the hab user
                                          69SnapshotChecksumMismatchErrorA file in the snapshot did not have the expected checksum
                                          70DatabaseErrorAn issue occurred with the database
                                          71CommandExecutionErrorAn issue occurred when running an executable command
                                          72TraceErrorAn issue occurred when attempting to trace the request
                                          73ProfileErrorAn issue occurred when attempting to profile the request
                                          74HabCommandErrorAn issue occurred when running a hab command
                                          75HabAPIErrorAn issue occurred when attempting to query the Habitat API
                                          76GatherLogsErrorUnable to complete log gathering
                                          77PackageInstallErrorUnable to install the habitat package
                                          78TimedOutErrorTimed out waiting for the operation to complete
                                          79BackupRestoreErrorUnable to restore backup
                                          80ServiceUnloadErrorUnable to unload the habitat service
                                          81ServiceStartErrorUnable to start the habitat service
                                          82AirgapUnpackInstallBundleErrorAn issue occurred when attempting to unpack the airgap install bundle
                                          83AirgapCreateInstallBundleErrorAn issue occurred when attempting to create the airgap install bundle
                                          84DownloadErrorAn issue occurred when attempting to perform a file download
                                          85UninstallErrorAn issue occurred when attempting to uninstall Chef Automate
                                          86BackupErrorAn issue occurred when creating or restoring a backup
                                          87UpgradeErrorAn issue occurred during the upgrade
                                          88MarshalErrorUnable to convert or deconvert a textual representation of an internal object
                                          89LicenseErrorThe license is invalid, expired or incomplete
                                          90FileAccessErrorUnable to access the file or directory
                                          91DiagnosticsErrorOne or more diagnostics checks failed
                                          92MustBeRootErrorThe command must be run as the root user
                                          93ConfigErrorThe configuration is invalid
                                          94DeployErrorUnable to install, configure and start the service
                                          95PreflightErrorOne or more preflight checks failed
                                          96InvalidCommandArgsErrorThe arguments provided are invalid
                                          97UnhealthyStatusErrorSystem status is unhealthy
                                          98DeploymentServiceCallErrorA request to the deployment-service failed
                                          99DeploymentServiceUnreachableErrorUnable to make a request to the deployment-service
                                          100APIErrorAn API error occurred during execution
                                          112UpdateExecErrorAn issue occurred when trying to run an auto-updated CLI executable
                                          113UnknownErrorAn unknown issue occurred during execution
                                          114APIUnreachableErrorCould not connect to Automate API
                                          115UnknownErrorFailed to upgrade IAM to v2
                                          116UnknownErrorFailed to reset IAM state to v1
                                          117DeploymentServiceErrorFailed to restart Deployment Service
                                          118InappropriateSettingErrorSettings are not appropriate
                                          119AvailableSpaceErrorError in getting available space
                                          120CalESDirSizeErrorError in calculating ES directory size
                                          121CalDestDirSizeErrorError in calculating Dest directory size
                                          122InsufficientSpaceErrorInsufficient disk space
                                          124ConfigVerifyErrorConfig Verification failed
                                          125VerifyChecksErrorVerify Checks failed
                                          126PromptFailedPrompt failed and exited with error
                                          127FailedToGenConfigFailed to Generate config with given inputs
                                          128HardwareCalErrorHardware Calculator failed to provide Hardware Estimates
                                          Edit this page on GitHub

                                          Thank you for your feedback!


                                          Search Results